Feeling Two Things at Once- You Control the Volume

Did you know that it is possible to feel two emotions at one time and have them be equally relevant in your mind? And that you can choose which emotion you listen to. Today we’re talking about feeling two things at once and how you control the volume. 


Insecure and Empowered

I have shared before that I still feel insecure from time to time about my body. At the same time, I feel super empowered and strong. Even though my insecurity sometimes weaves its way into my mind, I choose to turn the volume up on the strength to feel empowered and motivated. 

When I first started teaching I was nervous about the judgment of others that I wasn’t thin enough. After teaching through multiple pregnancies, I got to the point where I didn’t care about judgment because I knew the value I provided through my kick-ass workouts. 

Even now, I have those insecure thoughts when I teach. However, at the same time, I am filled with empowering thoughts about what an incredible instructor I am.   

Choose on Purpose

If you are having thoughts of insecurity I want you to know nothing is wrong with you. I also want you to know that you get to choose on purpose to not believe those thoughts anymore. You get to believe something else. 

Every time I hit publish on a video I am making an active choice to believe that I am strong, I am helping women, and I’m providing an incredible workout. I choose on purpose to have these positive thoughts.

You Can Choose What to Turn the Volume Up On

Having two feelings at once also comes into play in our everyday lives. As a mom, wife, and business owner, I know I am a hard worker. I pat myself on the back for what a great job I am doing with my business, my children, and my home. 

There is another part of my brain that tells me I’m not doing enough. That I should be making more money, putting my kids in more activities, making healthier foods, etc.

Part of this bitch side of my brain is productive because it drives me. 

I talk through the lens of body and business in my coaching and my podcast. Even though I’m a life coach, I coach myself, too. I’m a product of my product. 

You can feel two things at the same time, but you get to choose what you turn the volume up on. Thoughts create feelings so choose positive thoughts.


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