What I Would Tell My Younger Self and How I Got Started

We can all agree there is knowledge in power. But it is using that knowledge, taking action, and putting it into use that creates real power and change. This is something that took me a long time to realize. In today’s episode, I’m sharing what I would tell my younger self and how I got started with my business journey.


What I Would Say to My Younger Self

If I could go back and tell myself something from when I was younger, I’d say just keep going! Trust your gut. All of your dreams will come true if you have the balls to go for it. Put one foot forward and take action because messy action is better than no action. 

With action comes clarity.

I have learned that every time I took action, even though it may not have turned out how I planned, it helped me get clear on things I wanted to change, what I didn’t like doing, and what I need to do differently. Every time I took action I learned.

I truly believe that perfection is boring and unnecessary pressure. It’s unattainable because everyone’s idea of perfection is different.

What is “Success?”

In my former corporate job, I was always stressed. I thought pushing and hustling was the path to “success” but I needed to reevaluate what success really meant. 

Working for myself made me quickly learn that  I needed to trust my gut and my skills even when I was scared. That success didn’t necessarily mean a high-powered 6 figure job, but doing something I love.

I found my success by taking messy action, putting one foot in front of the other, and trusting. 

Now, any time I start to doubt myself I look back to the previous version of myself. I would never have dreamt that I would have 3 kids and the marriage I have…true success!

Up-leveling Your Life

Could I have left my corporate job and taken this leap earlier? Yes! But I have no regrets. I am constantly learning and up-leveling. The younger version of myself worked her ass off and I’m grateful for that. 

I want you to realize that is possible for you too. If something doesn’t feel right in your soul, look back at a previous version of yourself where you already proved you can do hard things. This is the proof you need that you can do it again now.

Tap into that level of trust. If you are scared to do something now. Stop selling yourself short and live a bigger life- a more calm and present life. I know that is my goal.


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